Special Election - Fulton county

Repeal of Constitution Amendment Fulton County Industrial District

“Shall the Act be approved which repeals the amendment to the Constitution of Georgia creating within Fulton County the Fulton County Industrial District and prohibiting the governing authority of Fulton County from levying any tax for educational purposes within the boundaries of an independent school system?”

What voting “yes” or “no” means:


Voting “yes” means will allow the cities of Atlanta and South Fulton to duke it out about who gets annex this industrial district into their city.


Voting “no” means will the Fulton County Industrial District will remain the only unincorporated land left in the county.


Supporters say…


Opponents say…


Repeal of the act will allow for the subsequent annexation by either the City of Atlanta or the City of South Fulton.

For both cities, much of it’s about money. The prohibition on annexation for the Fulton County Industrial District, about 7.5 square mile area of mostly industrial space that brings an estimated $6.5 million in tax revenue, was put in place in 1979. It runs along Fulton Industrial Boulevard, south of Six Flags on the Fulton County side of the Chattahoochee River. Industries in the district employ more than 20,000 people.

Watch discussion on this question from our live ballot questions event.

How did the General Assembly (state legislature) vote on this?


Who gets to vote now?

All voters in Fulton County get to vote on this question. DeKalb County residents don’t get to weigh in.

Additional resources: