Voting and Domestic Violence
How do I keep my name and address confidential for my safety?
If you are a voter in Georgia, your name and address on a voter list are public information. However, for those who may have been or are subject to family violence, stalking, or currently reside in a family violence shelter, the VoteSafe Programs holds confidential the residence of these individuals.
VoteSafe Program Eligibility requires the following.
Be a resident of Georgia
Be registered to vote
Have either a Protective Order under O.C.G.A. § 19-13-4 or a similar provision of law in another state;
Have a Restraining Order or a Protective Order order under O.C.G.A. § 16-5-94 or a similar provision of law in another state; or
Or a resident of a family violence shelter as defined in O.C.G.A. §19-13-20.
The VoteSafe Program requires an application, an affidavit, or resident certification. Once you have completed all of the documents, the documents must be submitted to your County Registrar. Find your office here.
Due to the lengthy application process, be sure to apply for the VoteSafe Program as early as possible.