How do I become a poll worker?

One of the many electoral roles that any civic-minded person can take on is a Poll Worker. The County Election Board selects poll Workers in general, will attend 3- 4 hour training before the election, and work on election date at a polling site within the county where they reside. 

Poll workers are paid for completing training, and $155 for working 5:30 am - 8:30 pm at the poll on election day.

It is important to note that working as a poll worker will not affect one’s government benefits.

Poll Worker Responsibilities


Set up voting machines


Answer questions from voters


Monitor collection of ballots


Pass out post-voting swag (e.g., “I voted” stickers)


Fulton County

At least 16 years old

Work from 5 AM to 8:30 PM or until 9:30 PM in the city of Atlanta

Read and write English 

Reliable transportation

Complete this form for Fulton County:


Dekalb County

A resident of or employed by Dekalb County

Not hold a public office or be a candidate for a public office position that is being voted on

16 years of age

Read, write, speak, and understand English

Upright citizen of the U.S. 

Complete this form:

For Dekalb County you can print and mail in the form.


Mail the print version of this form to:

DeKalb Co. Voter Registration & Election

4380 Memorial Dr. Suite 300

Decatur, GA 30032

Fax: 404-298-4038


All, ResourcesKiara Henry