William Sardin

Atlanta Board of Education
Seat 7 At-Large


The Center for Civic Innovation sent a questionnaire to all candidates. Here are William’s responses:


School Board members are responsible for setting a vision and strategic direction for our school system to affect positive change. It’s important for representatives to lead by example and inspire others.

  • The most important role of the Atlanta School Board is to educate our children equitably.

  • No

  • No. I worked as a school volunteer in my children's schools.

  • I've worked as a registered nurse and hospital administrator for years, I'm an Air Force Officer, and parent of three children in the Atlanta Public School system.

  • I've worked in a leadership and teambuilding role as a hospital administrator working toward common solutions.

  • Van Gough's starry night. I find it peaceful and inspirational.

  • The top priority should be getting our children back to academic peak performance. We want to meet or exceed the standard of the rest of the school systems nationwide.


During this election process, the School Board is also actively searching for a new Superintendent. This next board will be making the decision on who will be hired.

  • They must have qualities and qualifications that are relevant and a track record of success in running a large school system. They should have strong leadership qualities, and a history of working in an urban and ethnically diverse environment.

  • A few of the measurable outcomes that board can use are a steady improvement in academic performance, reduction in use of progressive discipline, improved teacher retention.

Setting the budget

APS’s budget is a direct representation of the School Board’s priorities, and adopting it is one of the School Board’s primary responsibilities. It requires board members to make tough decisions, ask clarifying questions, understand the constraints, and ensure dollars are being allocated effectively and equitably.

  • I would increase spending on mental health services. I would get the monies from the monies that are directed to administration.

  • First, I would take into account whether it's something that the affected community is interested in. Secondly, I would take into account its impact.

Creating Public Policy

The School Board has a responsibility to review, create, shape, and shift policies. Moving public policy requires an understanding of what policies are today, how we got here, and where we’re trying to go. A School Board member must also consider the impact these policies have on key stakeholders (e.g. students, teachers, and parents).

  • I think that the current policy of progressive discipline is not working well. It is having a disproportionately negative impact on minority students.

  • One policy that has been implemented is after school tutoring and Saturday school. This program has helped students who are at risk academically. One shortcoming is that it has not been implemented system wide.

Building Community Relationships

The School Board cannot do this work alone. As a School Board member you must build and maintain relationships with a number of key stakeholders, from parents, to teachers, to other government agencies or private enterprises (non-profit or for-profit). 

  • The key partnership that the school board needs is a much stronger alliance between the parents and teachers with the school board. The parents and teachers are an integral part of making the policies and their implementation successful.

  • I would engage them by having them be a part of our shared vision. With them being stakeholders, it's imperative that they be on board from start to finish.

Operating with Transparency and Equity

School Board members must commit to openness and transparency. This matters to keep people informed about decisions and spending made on their behalf.

  • The hiring process for the superintendent. The candidates that are being vetted and the vetting process. Through the school board meetings and online.

  • Providing equal access and opportunity for all of our students.

  • I would be a staunch advocate for anything that will improve equity for all students.