November 30, 2021 Run-off election
According to state law, in elections where no candidate receives a majority (>50%) of votes, a run-off election is held between the candidates receiving the two highest numbers of votes.
Below are links to campaign websites for the top two candidates who’ll be in run-off elections on November 30, 2021.
Citywide Run-Off Candidates
City Council President:
City Council At-Large Post 3:
School Board Seat 7, At-Large:
District-Level Run-Off Candidates
City Council District 1:
City Council District 3:
City Council District 4:
Cleta Winslow – incumbent
City Council District 5:
City Council District 12:
Joyce Sheperd – incumbent
School Board District 2:
Aretta Baldon – incumbent
Last updated: November 5, 2021